Saturday, March 9, 2013


Random. Randomness. Things happening by chance. On the way home from a late Saturday night Uni study session Nick and I began to talk about randomness. He explained to me a theory about things in the economy happening randomly; how some people think GDP is totally unrelated to anything at all. It feels like that. We drove windows down, wind rustling through the open frame, night lights flickering past as vague ethereal things that pass me only for a moment. We are in the car but so out of it. I am thinking of bed and sleep and of randomness. How unpredictable my life is. I would never have guessed, three years ago, stepping out of school where I'd be now. It's all so strange the paths that life has given us. If I embrace the concept of entropy they always tell me about- that the universe seeks randomness and disorder, and that order is strained, fleeting, only local to some greater picture- can this same concept be applied to generalities of life? Can a concept like entropy be embraced? If it is real disorder than it has no face, no descriptor, only defined by the fact it does not. Ice melts when left out in an open room. Sleep comes to me when I turn off my laptop.

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